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How to Care For Your Feet

How to best care for your skin on your feet

Hi everyone, Liz here (+1 662 830 8246,

Our feet are a part of our body that is often  forgotten, until we feel a pain! Foot skincare is an important part of our hygiene and overall health. We are on our feet every day and they take on the weight of the entire body. No matter how much we take care of the body, the care for the feet always come last and often is the result of some painful problem such as calluses that we get. We seem to always focus on the exposed parts of the body that can be seen, but the unseen parts also need care and attention. The skin on our feet should be maintained not only in the summer, when it is more out in the open, but also in the other seasons. Various infections can develop on it, which are unpleasant if we do not take measures in time. In winter, this risk increases because feet sweat and the toes might get wet due to leaking shoes. If they are of poor quality and uncomfortable, pain and calluses appear. In order to have nice and healthy feet, we should follow just a few basic rules as described below.

Proper washing

Healthy and normal skin on the feet is home to many bacteria and fungi. As we sweat under the arms, so sometimes it happens with the feet in tour shoes. Sweat mixes with these microbes and emits a bad odor. What would happen if we wore the same socks and shoes every day? We would have more fungus on our feet and they will give off a stronger the odor. That is why it is vital to wash and clean your feet well every day. After we get home from work, we usually take a shower, but also mustn’t forget to spend some time cleaning the bottom of your feet. The area between the fingers should be thoroughly washed, because this is where most microbes collect and multiply.

Dry feet mean better skin

Not only washing our feet is important, but also drying them. Moisture is the ideal environment for fungal infections. When they spread, we may feel itching, burning, redness, even pain. We can prevent all this if we keep our feet dry. After a bath we should dry them well with a towel. If we have gone to a workout and our feet are wet, it is advisable to wash our feet and put on new socks. It is also not good to put on wet sneakers, but to replace them with a dry pair if they are wet. If our shoes leak, we have to keep a spare in the closet at work so that we don't stay wet all day long.


To moisturize our skin is important for the skin of our entire body, but often our feet are forgotten and they are not less important to moisturize.  To prevent unpleasant dryness and flaking, we can use a foot cream after bathing. Why not try a few drops of Naked Actives Hyaluronic Acid  Serum on your  cracked heels and very dry skin to help keep them well hydrated and moisturized and increase the effects of your regular foot cream. Read more about the great benefits of Hyaluronic acid  here.


Dead skin on the feet should be removed at least once a week. If more skin accumulates, exfoliation becomes more difficult and time consuming. There are a variety of scrubs , heel brushes and electrical machines to restore the softness of the skin of the feet. After scrubbing, we can add a few drops of squalane oil, which also has antibacterial and healing effect.

We can recommend a few types of foot exfoliation techniques for you to try below:


  1. After taking a bath or a shower, the skin will be hydrated and easier to treat. Use a pumice stone or a fine stainless steel foot scrubber to remove the top layer of dead skin cells.
  2. Consider trying Naked Actives Vitamin C serum by rubbing a few drops on problem areas as it  promotes natural exfoliation and helps with skin renewal.
  3. Also try Naked Actives EGF Renewal Serum and massage the soles of your feet with the serum and  they will feel smooth and hydrated, because you also gave them a gentle peel as your skin’s top layer is renewed.

Soaking Bath

Both exfoliation and soaking the feet from time to time are helpful. This softens rough skin and soothes muscles after a long day of work. As our grandmothers do, we can put a little sea salt, Epsom salt or baking soda in hot water and immerse our feet for 10-15 minutes. Then dry and moisturize well.

Wear Suitable socks

In addition to protecting the feet from the cold, socks are a barrier that cushions and  protects to some extent from bacteria and dirt. Let's not forget that wearing appropriate socks in the winter is also associated with dry feet. If we buy socks made out of artificial materials, they will sweat and get wet more easily. That's why it's a good practice to read the labels and choose ones made of cotton, bamboo and natural fabrics that will not steam the skin, but will help it "breathe" even in heavy winter boots.

Don’t wear uncomfortable shoes

Wearing comfortable shoes is one of the basic rules to follow for healthy feet. Some cheaper shoes can be made of poor quality materials that smell and roughen the skin on your feet much more than quality shoes made with quality materials. This is how corns, calluses, wounds appear on our feet as there is increased friction and strain. Shoes should not be worn too tight or too wide, because in both cases they will strain the feet. It is worth investing in quality shoes that will reduce joint pain and calluses as your feet will appreciate it!

Foot MassageA great foot care which everyone can enjoy

Foot massage improves blood circulation, relieves pain and makes the skin soft and tender. What’s even more great is that it can be done by ourselves right at the comfort of our own home. This is one of the most pleasant and useful procedures that will help you maintain your health and beauty at the same time! Self-massage is usually done after work or before bedtime so the benefits of the massage oils can soak deep into the skin to help it heal and repair. Just before the massage you can stretch your legs a little, then warm them up by walking on your toes for a while, then smear the feet with massage oil and start massaging them with light, rhythmic movements. Naked Actives Squalane oil can also be used to massage your feet and enjoy all the benefits of squalane on your skin’s feet.  The effect is amazing ad your feet and body will thank you in the long run!

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