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Top skincare tips for autumn skin routine

Top Skincare tips for the Autumn

The time during which one season changes with another always requires some changes in our daily skin care routine. This is because we need to help our skin adapt successfully to the new environmental conditions without losing its look.

Autumn is a transitional period during which our skin, accustomed to the summer heat, begins to recover, adapting to other conditions such as cold wind, lack of sun, more serious daily temperature differences and other environmental factors, so that at a later stage to successfully adapt and cope with the coming winter cold weather.

hyaluronic acid benefits helps smooth out skin, anti-aging reduces wrinkles, hydrates, moisturizes, repairs

Top Hyaluronic Acid Benefits

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, hyaluronate, HA, glycosaminoglycan, hyaluran, hyaluronate sodium, hylan, and sodium hyaluronate is touted as the “fountain of youth” by the beauty industry. Hyaluronic acid helps to retain over 1000 times its weight in water within the cell of the skin, making it an excellent moisturizer. No other biological substance can retain as much water as HA resulting in increased smoothness, softening and decreased wrinkles.

Taking Care of Your Skin While Wearing a Face Mask

Taking Care of Your Skin While Wearing a Face Mask

Wear a mask during covid can be problematic as it can lead to more moisture and oil accumulating on your face and more acne, also know as mascne. Here are some practical tips on how to better handle the situation!